How to Remove Wallpaper

How to Remove Wallpaper? | Future Vision Remodeling
Removing wallpaper can be a tricky process for anyone who hasn’t done it before. This guide will show you exactly how to remove wallpaper from start to finish.
Wallpaper can add visual interest to your home, but if you’re ready to remodel or make a major change, it could be time to remove it.
If you’re not sure how to remove wallpaper the right way, there are several steps you should take to get rid of it once and for all.
Read on to discover how you can safely remove your old wallpaper to make room for a new space.
Should You Remove it DIY or with a Contractor?
You may wonder if you should attempt to remove the wallpaper on your own, or if you should hire a professional contractor. The answer really depends on the amount of wallpaper you have and how “stuck” it seems to feel on your walls.
In most cases, it’s best to ask for professional help when you’re getting rid of that old wallpaper. You don’t want to damage the wall underneath, especially if it’s a material like plaster or drywall that can experience visible scratches or nicks.
Consider the scope of your wallpaper woes to help you decide if it’s something you can DIY. If you feel overwhelmed or you’re worried about hurting the walls, talk to a contractor at Future Vision Remodeling who can help you remove it the right way. Even if you use a contractor, it's best to familiarize yourself with wallpaper removal methods so you know just what they're doing.
Need help getting your wallpapers removed? Future Vision Remodeling can help.
Using the Solvent vs. Steam Method
As you explore how to remove wallpaper from your walls, there are two main methods your contractors might use. The first involves using a strong solvent or chemical that will dissolve the glue that adheres your wallpaper to the wall.
Most wallpaper remover solvents are caustic and can cause eye and lung irritation without the right protection. This is another reason to hire a contractor; they always come prepared with the right tools and protection to minimize contamination.
Your contractor will make sure that the room is well-ventilated. This method should really only be used if you’re dealing with extremely stubborn wallpaper or layers of wallpaper that could take several applications of solvent to remove.
An alternative removal method involves using steam. This process is much safer and typically easier to use than solvent. Your contractor will use a wallpaper steamer and wear protective gloves, since the machine will drip hot water as they work.
The steam method is a great way to get rid of old, stiff wallpaper since the heat and moisture from the steam softens it up. After steam is applied, it “melts” the glue which makes it easier to scrape the wallpaper off. Both methods take time and patience but with the right application, you should be able to easily scrape the wallpaper and fully remove it.
Need help getting your wallpapers removed? Future Vision Remodeling can help renovate your home
How to Remove Wallpaper: Follow These Steps
Source : ALT Text: two women removing a brown flower wallpaper
Before your contractor begins removing your old wallpaper, you’ll need to prep the room. Start by removing all of the furniture so you don’t damage it with solvents or steam. Then, your contractor will cover the floors using a tarp, and protect electrical outlets with plastic and some painter’s tape.
Once the room is cleared and prepped, it’s time to pry up the wallpaper. Most types of wallpaper have an outer layer and an adhesive inner layer that will need to be removed. The contractor will use a putty knife or a large scraper and find an edge, then pry upward to loosen the wallpaper.
Whenever possible, the contractor will start to pull or peel the wallpaper from the wall as soon as they’ve found a place where it can be scraped loose. Next, you should score the wallpaper to make it easier to come loose.
Scoring and Removal
A wallpaper scoring tool will cut into the paper, and it should only be used very gently. Too much pressure could damage the wall underneath.
Scoring wallpaper perforates the surface, making it easier for steam or solvent to reach the adhesive underneath. The contractor can score the wallpaper in sections or complete this step for the entire room so everything is prepped and ready.
After the contractor score the wallpaper, it’s time to begin the actual removal. The contractor will apply the solvent or use the steamer to start dissolving and loosening the glue so you can peel the paper off.
When the contractor steams the wallpaper or use chemicals, they will go in sections and allow around three to five minutes for everything to start working. Remember, old glue can get hard and might take some time to soften and dissolve.
After the contractor steamed or applied chemicals, they can begin removing the paper gently from the walls. They will peel in a downward motion until it’s all gone. They might have to apply more steam or solvent to completely get rid of any leftover glue.
Ideas for Bare Walls
Once your wallpaper is gone, it’s time to get creative with your newly-bare walls. Make sure all of the remaining adhesive is removed and that you have a clean, smooth surface to work with.
You can decide to repaint the entire room in one color or choose a contrasting hue to make a feature wall. Apply some tiles to one wall to create a stunning focal point in your new, wallpaper-free space.
Hang some of your favorite photos and artwork to create a gallery wall. The sky’s the limit once you have a clean slate to work with now that the room is wallpaper-free.
Say Goodbye to Old Wallpaper
Now that you know how to remove wallpaper, it’s easy to make your home look fresh and new. Remember to prep the room first and work with a reliable contractor for the best results.
Take your time and be patient, and soon you’ll have a brand-new space that’s ready for a makeover.
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